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M1050 Series (M1050, M1050A, M1051-R10, M1052, M1053, M1056) Specifications

Power Requirements:  105-135 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 20 W or
     220-260 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 20 W (option)

Operating Temperature:  -10°Fto+130°F (-23°C to +55°C)

Number of PLS Programs:  
     M1050A, M1051, M1053:  Eight selectable from
     keyboard or externally via three program-selected inputs
     M1050-M10:  60 programs with 8 channel outputs or 30
     programs with 16 channel outputs 
     M1052:  16 selectable from keyboard or externally via 5
     program selected inputs (PS0-PS3 and EP)
PLS Setpoints:  
     M1050-M10:  256 per PLS program for 60 total programs
     or 512 per PLS program for 30 total programs. 
     M1050A:  80 per PLS Program, 640 total, 80 setpoints in
     a program can be assigned to the eight PLS outputs in
     any manner. 
     M1051, M1053:  160 per PLS program, 1280 total.
     M1052:  120 per PLS program, (60 for channels 1-8 and
     60 for channels 9-16) 1920 total.
Scale Factor:  
     M1050A, M1051, M1052, M1053:  Programmable from
     16 to 999, common to all PLS programs (resolution 17 to
     1000 counts/turn). 
     M1050-M10:  Programmable from 2.56" (65.0 mm) to
     40.00" (1016 mm) per resolver revolution. Maximum
     machine travel = 16 x scale factor. Scale factor is
     common to all PLS programs.
     M1050A, M1051, M1052, M1053:  Programmable from 0
     to Scale Factor Value, common to all PLS programs.
     M1050-M10:  Programmable from 0 to 16 x Scale Factor
     Value, common to all PLS programs.
Speed Compensation: 
     M1050A:  Programmable in Scale Factor units-per-100
     rpm, up to full Scale Factor value. 
     M1051:  Programmable in Scale Factor Units-per-100
     rpm, up to full scale factor value. Each PLS channel has
     its own speed compensation. 16 speed compensation
     zones for channels 1-4. 
     M1052:  Programmable leading and lagging speed
     compensation for channels 1-5. Each speed
     compensation is programmable in increments of I ms.
     M1053:  Programmable in Scale Factor units-per-10 rpm,
     up to full Scale Factor value ÷ 10. Each of the first 8 PLS
     channels (1-8) has its own speed compensation.
Motion Detector Setpoints:  Two, one LOW and one HIGH,
     common to all PLS programs. Programmable from 0 to
     999 rpm.
Registration Pulse Width Resolution: 
M1053:  14.7 ms
Low Motion Enable: 
     M1052:  Low Motion Enable, common to channels 1-5
     associated with enable inputs EN1, EN2, EN3.
     Programmable from 0 to 999
New Cycle Position: 
     M1052:  Programmable from 0 to scale factor value.
     Common to channels 1-5 associated with enable inputs
     EN1, EN2, EN3.
Optional Brake Wear Monitor Limits:  M1050A and
Two, one Caution and one Danger.
     Programmable from 0 to
9.99 seconds

Position transducer:  Single-Turn Resolver, AVG
     Automation Series RL100, E7R, E8R, RL1 01, or
Cable Length between Resolver and M1050 Series:
     2500 ft (762 m) max., shielded
ResolverCable:  AVG Automation CBL-10T22-XXX
Maximum Resolver Shaft Speed:  3600 RPM
Resolver Decoder:  Ratiometric, tracks resolver shaft angle
     to 1800 RPM

Electrical specifications:  (All Inputs) 
     Optical Isolation:  1500 V 
     Input impedance:  1800 OHMS 
     Logic levels:  
TRUE:  1 to 28 VDC sourcing 
          FALSE:  0 to 0.8 VDC
Enable ENI, EN2, EN3: 
     M1052:  TRUE enables selected channel (1 to 5).
Program Enable (PE):  When TRUE, enables
     Programming, and (if EP input is also TRUE) External
     Program Number Select
Program Enable 2 (PE2):  
     M1051:  When TRUE, enables setpoint and setup (scale
     factor, offset, program number, etc.)
Output Enable (OE):  When TRUE, PLS Channel outputs
enabled, (Both, Fault and Motion always enabled) 

Fault Check Enable (FCE):  When TRUE, disables PLS
     and Motion Detector Outputs whenever Resolver Broken
     Wire Fault or M1050-M10, M1051 internal fault occurs.
Registration Control (RC): 
     M1053:  On FALSE to TRUE transition, the resolver
     position is captured and used for error calculations.
Operator Pushbuttons (PB1 and PB2): 
     M1053:  On FALSE to TRUE transitions, PB1
     increments ref., retarding the timing of the motor while
     PB2 decrements ref., advancing the timing of the motor.
First Cycle Inputs (FCI) and Enable Inputs (EN1-EN3):
     M1052:  Channels 1 to 5 can be individually associated
     with either of the enable inputs EN1 to EN3.  This
     association is user programmable from the keypad. Any
     channel 1 to 5 with an enable (EN1-EN3) programmed
     into it is also controlled by the first cycle input and the
     programmed new cycle position.
Brake Input (111):  When TRUE, starts Brake Monitor
     Operation. (For details, consult factory.)
Supervisory (SUP):  
     M1050-M10:  When TRUE, all programming modes
     enabled. When FALSE: only default, program number
     change, and setpoint modes enabled.
Modified Zero (ModZ): 
     M1050A, M1051, M1050-M10, M1053:  On FALSE to
     TRUE transition, the resolver position is captured and
     used to zero the position for that cycle.
All ON: 
     M1050-M10:  When TRUE, all output channels are
     energized. When FALSE, outputs are normal PLS

Scan time varies with speed compensation programming.
     Models M1050A, M1051:  100-500 µs 
     Models M1052, M1053:  500-1500 µs

Unregulated Voltage Out (VO):
  Current Limited,
     unregulated 12 VDC for use with M1050-M10, M1051
     inputs ONLY. Not for external sensor power.
Fault Output:  Detects resolver broken wire and
M1051, M1052, M1053 internal faults
     Electromechanical relay (Form Q output; 10 A resistive
@ 120 VAC
     Without Fault:  Relay remains energized

     With Fault:  Relay de-energized
Motion Output:  EM relay (Form Q output; 10 A resistive
     max. @ 120 VAC. Relay energized whenever resolver
     RPM is within programmed motion low- and high-limits
Number of PLS Outputs:  
     M1050-M10:  1-8 Normal PLS in 60 total program
     configuration. 1-16 Normal PLS in 30 total program
     M1050A:  8 
     M1051, M1052:
     M1053:  Channels 1-14 are normal PLS. Channel 15 is
     the retarding registration output. Channel 16 is the
     advancing registration output.
Types of Outputs:
Electromechanical SPDT Radar:
     (SAC-M1051-R10) basic unit) 
     10 A resistive continuous @ 120 VAC
Solid-State Relay:  (SAC-M1050-8Sx basic unit)

AC output: 120 VAC @ 3 A; 
ON time:  <3 ms after zero cross; 
OFF time:  At zero cross; 
2.1 mA @ 120 VAC
2.  DC output: Up to 60 VDC @ 3A;

    ON time:  5 µs; OFF time: 35 µs;

    Leakage:  0.29 mA @ 15 VDC

3.  DC output:  Up to 200 VDC @ I A; 

    ON time: 
15 µs
    OFF time:  100
<0.01 mA @ 30 VDC

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